Combatting the Division of Division

If you haven't heard of The Division yet, you are seriously missing out. If you have, and you're a PC gamer (which you probably are if you're hanging out on a PC dedicated website) you might still be missing out. But speaking of PC gamers, we are not the kind of people to take this laying down. We want this game. A lot, It looks (barring the obligatory, tired old New York setting) absolutely superb. So we, or rather, Sean Tyler of Georgetown, USA, have taken to to tell Ubisoft just how much we really do want this.
Also to call them to task, to make them stand by their word. To remind them that, not so very long ago, they issued a firm statement of intention to stop neglecting us. They vowed to make serious efforts to improve relations with PC gamers, which denying us a game so perfectly suited for our platform is most decidedly doing. With more than ten thousand signatories already weighing in with their name, yours truly included, it's high time they started to damned well listen to us. Wouldn't you agree? Sound off below my fellow PC gamers.
Posted 21-06-2013, 22:24
with 100,213 supporters
Posted 20-06-2013, 14:48
Well, I have signed it. I just hope there aren't too many people using fake signatures :(
Posted 20-06-2013, 07:39
Because PC gaming is dying. No-one uses a PC anymore.
Ninety-one thousand people would like to disagree with that assertion
Posted 19-06-2013, 17:47
Nearly 88,000 supporters now. Here's hoping it gets to its next goal of 150,000 signatures and that we get some comment from Ubi about it in the near future.
Posted 16-06-2013, 02:45's at thirty-five thousand signatures. More than twice what he was asking for.
Is that clear enough for you Ubishit?!
Posted 16-06-2013, 02:43
It worked for Dark Souls. And Ubi are much more familiar with porting to the PC. AND they said they want to improve relations with us. That's the bit that really grinds my gears
Posted 15-06-2013, 22:09
Posted 15-06-2013, 18:44
Yes. Good. Signed.
Posted 15-06-2013, 18:27
Yeah I signed that shit immediately, it is a really impressive looking game.
Posted 15-06-2013, 16:09
Aw, what the hell. Why not. The game looks like a lot of fun.