China Finally Rises In Battlefield 4
Wow, the trailer sure dubs it up a little, doesn't it? Because it sounds like it's upgrading China's reasons to fight the USA from the campaign's shaky "vengeance for forcing us to make shoes and flags". I don't think that's so smart EA, but I'm not writing the post about that. For today is the day when the rich Battlefield 4 players can tear some Middle Kingdom. It's because China Rising, the first DLC (to appear on PC), is being released for the Premium players. Regular peons can rub two coppers together and get their copy on December 17th. And what's inside this package of wonders?
Well, first off, there are four new maps: Silk Road, Altai Range, Guilin Peaks, and Dragon Pass. They seem to be quite different, ranging from snowy mountain peaks to deserts and jungles. Basically, none of that camperiffic urban combat with Recons and RPG totting engineers on every roof. Because, when you think about it, weren't the urban maps the worst of vanilla Battlefield 3's offerings?
Besides the maps, we're seeing the return of Air Domination mode – probably helped a lot that everyone can train to pilot jets and chalks outside active battlefields! Two "new" vehicles are introduced: the dirt bike from final Battlefield 3 DLC and a new Bomber that spawns from points in the middle of them and presumably rains guyded moonitions, as well as exploding in really lacklustre ways. You'll also get five new weapons and two new gadgets (drones for Recon and Support), which also bring 10 new assignments.
I can already feel editorial support disappearing for a few days.
Posted 11-12-2013, 19:45
And DICE claim they fixed it. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
Posted 09-12-2013, 23:24
Yeah it would help a lot PeterChi. Especially when you are on the same server as people who don't seem to know how to make their character look up and down and then think they can go fly a jet or helicopter... time and time again, only crashing it repeatedly. Or worse yet! Using the helis to just travel over the map and then dump the jet/heli and thus allowing the enemy team to take it.
OR even worse!!! Taking the freaking OP super battleship mega warship tiny boat that is armed to the tooth and impossible to kill and simply using it as transport and then allowing an enemy to take it so they end up with 2 of those boats......
Posted 09-12-2013, 23:19
The maps are actually really cool and a great change thought I agree with XiDiO that BF4 could do with a skill based matchmaking system.
Posted 09-12-2013, 09:01
Looks great, so glad a friend of mine bought me BF4 Premium as a bday present :P
Posted 04-12-2013, 18:39
The maps look pretty cool.
Posted 04-12-2013, 12:44
Would be nice if they added some proper matchmaking (based on k/d, spm) but then again it would be as a 14.99 DLC.
Posted 04-12-2013, 02:41
I wish the game was as awesome (cinematic and flow wise) as this trailer. Unfortunately with the huge skill difference among all the players this will never happen.
Posted 04-12-2013, 01:25
Rushed maps.
Basegame still broken.