Check Out This BF4 Interview For No Reason
Patrick Bach, the genius mind moving the mighty hand of Dice nowadays, also author of such great quotes like "Modding is a declining trend" and "In most cases sandbox games are hardcore, boring, hard to get into and they are not very popular" (more words of wisdom here) has showed up for an interview with some totally rad hipsters hired by EA. Rad!
What does he say? Well, not that much. The interview is over in the blink of an eye. In that time, Bach has the time to say that for inspiration in crafting their main characters, they've looked to film and literature rather than other games. Don't worry though, he doesn't mention anything specific. And why would he? No need to mention anything specific. In fact, this whole interview is like a big pile of "nothing specific".
Okay so we've recently had a trend of giving EA the piss here on PixelJudge. But honestly, can you really blame us? EA, you need to stop giving us such good excuses! Google "What makes a good interview?" and read yourselves up a little, before posting the next video.
Posted 15-05-2013, 03:10
They really worked on the characters for Battlefield 3 amirite?
Posted 15-05-2013, 02:56
How was it heavily opinionated? All I said was that the interview was pretty bad, based on the criteria most professionals use for setting up a good and informative interview. :)
Posted 15-05-2013, 02:45
All that talk in the trailer about characters... yeah does anyone really believe that DICE are "focusing quite a lot on crafting these characters", it's BF, all about the MP! Not that I mind that.
Posted 15-05-2013, 02:01
Ruby, welcome to internet.
Posted 15-05-2013, 01:59
Inbefore lots of lies from Patrick Bach.
"BF4 is PC lead platform."
Posted 14-05-2013, 21:54
If it was such a shit video/interview why bother posting it in the first place?
It fucking bugs the shit out of me when people bitch about things like this. Plus too many of PJ's news posts contain very heavily opinionated comments in the actual article. If I wanted to read your opinions, I'd rather read it in the comments than in the post itself.
Posted 14-05-2013, 21:24
I also like how the youtube comments under that vid sum it up perfectly.
Posted 14-05-2013, 21:22
@ Neon: Because it makes the video sound more legit, like it's some journalists asking questions, instead of EA asking themselves questions.
Posted 14-05-2013, 19:58
First time you've heard of it huh? Yeah, FTW literally exists so EA can interview itself. I mean, why bother letting an external company, that might actually call you on your bullshit, find the truth of a story, when you can make it sound like everyone loves you?
Posted 14-05-2013, 19:41
wait... so EA has this show called FTW or something and had them interview someone from DICE... what's the point in that lol!??!