Celebrity Let's Plays
We've all heard of Let's Players becoming celebrities. But that is so cliche. It's time to flip the tables and have some celebrities become Let's Players. Introducing, Roddy Rhino and Super Pig aka Actor and all around sci-fi geek David Hewlett and his son Sebastian.
I already touched on this early this week, whilst discussing the upcoming game Caretaker, which Hewlett senior is starring in. But considering the star of this show is, clearly, Hewlett juniour aka Bratlett, this merits further mention. Especially since this is one of those times when the tired, old field of Minecraft Let's Plays is actually being made fresh again. On top of being the first genuine celebrity (to the best of my knowledge) to make their own Let's Play series, Roddy and Piggy defy convention further by being Father and Son and remaining completely devoid of both childish 'adult' language and forced comedy.
This really is just a genuine moment of shared, mutual interest and some good, old fashioned family time. Something the world would most certainly benefit from seeing more of. And with my own daughter being only a year older than wee Super Piggy, one can't help but ponder on just how precious time with our children really is.
Huh, got a wee bit maudlin at the end there. Fun fact, I only learned of that word's existence because Hewlett said it in an episode of Stargate Atlantis. The more you know.