Call of Battlefield 4 – Reports for Duty on October 29

Battlefield 4 will be releasing October 29 on the PC and the pre-order incentive has finally been revealed as well. China Rising DLC will be free to those who pre-order.
Battlefield 4 is set to launch on October 29th in America and the 1st of November in Europe. For those who pre-order the game, DICE is giving away the first DLC pack called China Rising free of cost. China Rising will include four new maps, new vehicles and new gear (and weapons possibly).
Beyond this we are still expecting some form of "big" announcement from EA and DICE in the wake of the reveal of Call of Duty: Ghosts, but it remains to be seen when DICE will make an announcement, if any at all.
Posted 23-05-2013, 23:37
No Stuntman, you don't, that was a poor usage of wording on the promotional material. If you read the fine print, what they meant is you get A premium DLC when you pre-order. Which is China Rising ;)
Posted 23-05-2013, 12:48
@Kele as I understand you'll get Premium if you preorder the game
Posted 23-05-2013, 10:49
Meh, will wait for Premium ^^