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Bringing Home the Bomb – Payday 2's Update Begins

By zethalee21-01-2015

Last week, we brought you the news that Payday 2, by way of a live action trailer, had a new heist coming, along with a few new characters and possibly a weapon or two. Today, we're treated with day one of what looks to be a three day update cycle. For now, we've got more information about The Butcher, the new contractor.

An arms dealer hailing from the Balkan region, she reportedly smuggled weapons to the IRA, the Baader-Meinhof Group, and the Albanian mafia. As someone of respectable standing within the organized crime underground, the two jobs she's sent the team, possibly titled Forest and Dockyard, along with Dragan, her main confidant, make up the DLC.

Day two of the update is titled Bez Muke Nema Nauke, which is a Croatian proverb for "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," or more simply, "No pain, no gain." Day three is titled It's Time, and has a picture of a large bomb on fire as part of its tease. The entire DLC is being developed by a small team called Lion Game Lion, based in Croatia, and this is the first content they appear to have developed. The heists pack will run you 6.99 USD, and the Dragan character pack will cost you 4.99 USD. More updates are to come in the following days as more content is released.

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Posts: 3290

Damn guys. You really are committed to keeping this game alive arne't you?

Kudos. This, really, is what DLC (they're called fucking expansisons alright?!) was invented for