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Blowing Up Wall Street

By Bis18marck7010-01-2013

Cause and effect, an intriguing principle. A most basic form of analysis of an action, it becomes the most vital form of information for those that want to find the reason and consequence. It stands at the basis of understanding any form of change, whether it be a revolution, a change of heart or even an accident. It is concepts like these, that often find themselves used to promote games that attempt to set up an environment filled with questions and plot twists.

Granted, the Crysis series isn't really known for a tale written by a storytelling mastermind but the grasp for power by CELL and Prophet's fight does give enough material to make one wonder how the story will progress. As with the previous episodes in the Crysis 'The 7 Wonders' series, episode three will show of some great action (this time with a twist) and underlining it all with the standard narrative experience one is used to from the likes of Micheal Bay. It's entertaining to watch, but then again, it's only Crysis so don't expect a sophisticated narration.

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