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Blood Bowl 2 Trailer And Release Date

By WskOsc12-06-2015

Fantasy sport, Blood Bowl is a tabletop turn-based game involving miniatures, dice and imagining a giant Ork headbutting his way to a touchdown. It's a good job then that there's a PC game where we don't have to make the pictures in our noggins. But that's old hat, what you really want is the shiny new Blood Bowl 2 which if the above trailer is anything to go by is going to be more in-depth and dynamic than the previous game by a good margin. Perhaps best about the new trailer is the reveal of the release date of September 22nd.

Are you interested in playing a game of brutal fantasy football or would you prefer an ork tea party? Let us know in the comments below and as always we'll update with more information as it becomes available.

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Tea party please.