Blizzard Begins Hearthstone! Fireside Gatherings

Blizzard knows that card games are best played with friends and faces. It only makes sense for them to encourage get-togethers with other people. That’s why Hearthstone is now giving you incentive to find some new buddies.
Beginning on April 26, players can join together for Fireside Gatherings. These gatherings are an opportunity to play the game, meet new people, and perhaps even show off. There are currently fourteen larger events and several smaller gatherings posted.
If there is not one in your area, don’t fret, you can host your own. All you’ll need is yourself, and two friends, relatives, enemies, or total strangers. Find a safe public place (with free wi-fi) that won’t be bothered by your presence, and after completing 3 matches with people on the same subnet, you will unlock a limited time card back called Fireside Friends.