Better Black in DirectX 11

The minimum specifications for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has been released by Treyarch and it holds a lot of good news for PC gamers in general. Black Ops 2 will feature an upgraded version of the first Black Ops engine. The main upgrade the developers have made is the change from DirectX 9 to DX 11 as the foundation of the engine coding. As a result, Treyarch promises a noticeable performance improvement over the first Black Ops. Though this also means that the few gamers still running Windows XP will not be able to run the game at all.
The full official announcement can be read here and below are the released minimum specifications:
OS: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHz
Memory: 2GB for 32-bit OS or 4GB for 64-bit OS
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 8800GT 512 MB or ATI Radeon HD 3870 512 MB
Posted 04-09-2012, 21:13
Simple, brainless, fun. - Says it all.
Posted 04-09-2012, 20:54
@Bis18marck70 - you can say what you want about CoD but the truth is there is a market there and they are reaching that market, outselling all other entertainment products (thus too outselling almost all other video games!). CoD has something other games do not have and people will just have to accept this, like SynapseR says many people complain it's "stealing" from other games. Which is just ridiculous as it goes against all common sense and economic theories. While I didn't particularly like the MW2 and 3 iterations on PC (due to P2P and only due to P2P which has NO place on PC!) the gameplay is just fun. Simple, brainless, fun. There are no other shooting games that deliver as much MP fun as a CoD game does in the same amount of time. Half the time I jump on something like Battlefield 3, it's just pure frustration due to the teamplay element of it, so all the other noobs on your team ruin your fun time because they are stupid and suck and solo you can't do anything on it. In CoD it's a pure lonewolf game when played on public, only teamplay is done on competitive games. Thus if you are good enough at shooters you can go on CoD and just kick ass and have a bunch of fun doing it, only the cheaters ruin it, but at the moment Battlefield 3 has WAY more cheaters than MW3 and Black Ops have put together even!
Posted 04-09-2012, 15:03
I'm just joking with the current state of the industry. People still think that COD is stealing the audience of suposdely great, innovative games. Black Ops was, in my opinion, the best iteration of the series since Call of Duty 4. It had a relatively balanced Multiplayer, I actually enoyed the campaign a whole lot and the zombies mode was fun. There where issues though: the campaign many times was stuck to the same old formula, the MP suffered from performance issues and bad bullet registers. I want to see those problems solved, then I'll think about it.
Posted 04-09-2012, 14:29
Where I've never bought a COD, I don't feel bad wanting to pick this up.
Posted 04-09-2012, 14:03
Cause its a pile of crap that gets refurbished every year into a new package with just about enough 'innovation'/'changes' to make it seem new.
Posted 04-09-2012, 13:44
@SynapseR - why should we hate it?
Posted 04-09-2012, 11:37
B..but... I thought PC gamers hated COD, the fuck is wrong with you people?
Posted 04-09-2012, 01:14
When I saw the MP trailer for this, I thought it looked notably better than previous COD games. A more colourful art style for one thing, this news is only good. I have never actually owned a COD game, only played friends copys. Might have to pick this one up if the single player is any good.
Posted 04-09-2012, 00:28
COD...again....when will this once great series that sadly turned utterly useless finally die?
Posted 03-09-2012, 23:38
Of all the CoDs to date, the SP I enjoyed the most from CoD 4 and MW2 but the MP I have enjoyed the most from Black Ops. It really felt like a vastly improved MP over CoD 4. With better balanced perks, dedicated servers and just fun gameplay on cool maps. I really hope Black Ops 2 is even better than Black Ops was, it seems promising though. Treyarch has really surpassed IW on the MP side of things. They have a lot to learn though for the SP, just as DICE does.