Battlefront 3 - What Could Have Been...
Star Wars: Battlefront 3 had a long and storied history over its two year development and beyond. It was canned in late 2008, with the developers claiming that all it really needed was polishing and for LucasArts to put some marketing money towards it. It turns out they were right. Past to Present livestreamed a play session of Battlefront 3 in honour of Star Wars Day, which you can see above. While it turns out that there was a lot of polish that needed to go into the game, it looks to have been pretty much finished.
I'm not sure how many of you can stand seeing something that was snatched away from us by the fickle movements of fate so close to completion, but those of you that can put a brave face on, watch, and mourn the game that could have been...
Posted 06-05-2013, 17:32
It's because of things like this that Disney disbanded LucasArts
Posted 06-05-2013, 13:34
Wasn't Disney's doing...This was back in 2008 that it was canceled....
Posted 05-05-2013, 20:45
Looks pretty impressive, we might still get it I hope though as a licensed product. I do get why Disney made the decision they did, it's just too bad they didn't at least finish the currently in production games :(