Battlefield 4's China Rising Sprung a Leak

If there's one thing that gets people excited more than painstakingly comparing resolution scaling in games between consoles to find which one is better, it's DLC leaks; more specifically, Battlefield 4 DLC leaks. The newly released Battlefield 4 is (and has been) slated to get its first hot slice of DLC pie sometime next month titled China Rising. I'm going to go out on a limb and make the assumption that these maps will be centred around locations in China. If the image above is accurate in the slightest then the new goodies are as follows:
4 New Maps, titled Taklamakan, Altai Range, Guilin Peaks, and Dragon Pass.
5 New Weapons.
New Vehicles, and other assorted high-tech doodads.
10 New Missions.
And if you're a Premium member you get it all two weeks in advance.
It could be fake, it could be a genuine accidental leak, or it could be intentional to get Battlefield fans talking; I guess it's doing it's job if that's the case. China Rising is due out on December 3rd, and I'm sure there'll be plenty of information debunking or confirming this translation soon.
Posted 15-11-2013, 04:12
Can't wait for it to come out. Also important to note that China Rising was included as a free DLC with all BF4 launch-day editions.