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Batgirl Coming Soon to Arkham Knight...Maybe?

By KenpoJuJitsu307-07-2015

Yo jurors! One of the big reveals before the launch of Arkham Knight was that Batgirl would be a playable character in some add-on content.

Well, the day is rapidly approaching for when this will become a reality. Scheduled for release on July 14th is the first piece of season pass DLC in the form of 'A Matter of Family'. This pack will have players playing as Batgirl through a new location with several missions, side quests and a new hacking mechanic. This is also the first time that Batgirl will be playable in the Batman Arkham franchise.

So mark July 14th on your calendar...if you're playing this on a console. See, the problem is that the information I have is currently a little unclear regarding the PC release. As most of you likely know by now, the PC version was pulled from sale. Considering that it still hasn't been made available for sale again, nor has it been fully patched to fix all of the ports many issues, it's unclear if they're going to go ahead and release the DLC anyway. Of course, one possibility is that there will be another patch prior to the DLC release date but that's me speculating on possible ways this could play out. It's equally probable that the DLC will be held back on the PC version. Guess we'll see.

What say you jurors? Are you playing through the mess that Scarecrow made in Batman: Arkham Knight? Or did you open the Valve for a steamy refund on this one? Let us know in the comments.

For more news on this and other games, swing back over to Pixel Judge. This news is adjourned.

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