Assassin’s Creed on The High Seas
Earlier this week we received a little launch trailer for Assassin's Creed 4. Now, with the game's release date fast approaching, Ubisoft are treating us to an 'ultimate preview' trailer and this one is just over 9 minutes long. The video briefly looks at everything about the game from story to stealth. Check it out above.
The game will be available for the land lubbing console owners next week but sadly us PC lot shall have to wait to set sail until the 22nd of November. However, if you pre-order now you'll get all sorts of in-game goodies, like exclusive missions and weapons. But until November you'll just have to sit tight. Feel free to vent your frustration at having to wait until next month for the latest Assassin's Creed in the comments below.
Posted 24-10-2013, 16:19
Assassin's Seas on the High Creed.
*Sage nod*