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ARMA 3 Gets Bigger and Badder With Episode 2

By MrJenssen22-01-2014

So, the second out of three chapters to ARMA 3's campaign that was announced last month is now finally out. The free update for owners of ARMA 3 promises to take both the action and the complexity to new heights, focusing on guerrilla warfare and squad mechanics more so than the first episode, which was meant to introduce players to the basic controls and mechanics of the game. Creative director Jay Crowe had the following to say in a new press release:

"Episode One helped players get to grips with the basic skills needed to survive. Episode Two introduces a whole new set of challenges, giving players more freedom and responsibility in the wide, open terrain of Altis."

Up above, you can check out the explosive launch trailer for the new episode, and below we have some juicy screens to give players an idea of what to expect as they adapt to the guerrilla warfare of Episode 2. The last episode, titled 'Win', is scheduled for release in March.

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