Arkham Knight Swoops Down This October

Keeping with the last couple Batman: Arkham games' pattern, Rocksteady's return to the franchise: Batman: Arkham Knight, is slated to release on October 14th 2014 as stated by this leaked GameStop ad and this not-so-leaked Steam store page. Since the GameStop ad and the Steam store page are showing the same date that will hopefully mean that there won't be a month long wait for the PC version this time. I still remember Arkham City, damnit.
I'm super excited to get my hands on more Rocksteady batman games. I loved Asylum and City. Origins... maybe not quite as much. Since Arkham Knight is keeping with the October release tradition, it's only fitting that it also keep with the questionably important pre-order DLC tradition as well, with Arkham Knight's pre-order bonus being a playable Harley Quinn. Act fast! You only have til December 31st 2024 to claim her.