After Reset Now With Skills

After Reset wants to be the Fallout 3 That Never Was – one that's not "Oblivion with Guns". Isometric turn based RPG all the way! This also means that many things – especially fighting – will depend on some behind the scenes rolls that check your character's skill. Unlike in later Fallout, where it's do or do not, there is no try.
The skill list is extensive and wordy, but provides little in the way of surprises to a Fallout enthusiast. Weapon related skills seem to be sparingly few – Melee, Thrown, Firearms, Energy and Field – with explosives not getting their own one. Of other skills, Expertise seems to be the strangest visitor in post-Apocalypse settings since it's used to identify items. And there seems to be an effort made to make Outdoorsman useful, what with increasing travel speed while reducing water consumption and making it somewhat easier to find more of it.
Can't wait to rely on fat, balding NPCs for my Science checks!