A Tongue Sharper Than Steel

In a rather bizarre, but truly hilarious, browser based fanmod (sort of) we've been treated to a return to Monkey Island. Sort of. More specifically, the sword fighting of Monkey Island. But, well, it's not that simple see? Because, rather than fighting with swords, you are fighting with words. Kinda'. Play progresses by choosing your witty retort from a list at the bottom of the screen. The key being to be as sharply insulting as possible, so as to put off your opponent and win the day. And that's about all she wrote really. I can't quite decide if this is sheer genius, or as vapid as a deckhand after downing a gallon of cider.
Or both.
Posted 15-01-2013, 17:18
I remember you had to loose in order to learn new insults.
Posted 15-01-2013, 17:08
It's pretty funny. And rather challenging
Posted 15-01-2013, 17:05
Oh I still remember the original insult sword fighting in MI. Had to use a guide to pass it :P