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A-Bandai-ing Namco Bandai

By Toast07-02-2014

Namco Bandai shall be no more! Well, in name that is, as they're changing their name to Bandai Namco oddly enough. You may be wondering why they've decided to do the switch-a-roo with their name, well they want to globalise with their name and brand, and was already officially called Bandai Namco in Japan. So now they're officially going to be known as the company that changed its name to the exact same thing, but backwards.  This change will take effect on the 1st of April, no I'm serious, Bandai Namco are the jokers here.

Although it probably is making more sense for the change ever since Bandai officially acquired Namco and merged together. However, another odd fact is that for certain games, such as the recent Dark Souls sported the usual Namco Bandai publisher mark, but some other recent releases titled only Namco solely alone as the publisher. We are to assume this shouldn't have any major impact on anything with previous product releases, but if it happens to be the case in some way, we'll get back to you all.


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