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A Perfect, But Illegal Combo

By eremeticskeptic21-04-2014

A lot of hand made attention to detail went into all objects here.

A lot of hand made attention to detail went into all objects here.

It’s that day of the year again in America where every person that dares defy the DEA celebrates that decision and participates in the festival of lights. 4/20, if you don’t know, is the unofficial “stoner holiday”, but is also a day that’s used by marijuana activists such as NORML and anti-prohibition activists to talk about the benefits of the drug, as well as sensible legislation for it within the United States. Usually, you also get really, really high. Smoking has always been a social activity when done recreationally, with things like “the circle” popularized in That 70’s Show, etc. Nowadays, many of America’s stoners congregate to play games together, whether it’s Call of Duty, Tetris battles, or hell, even Castle Crashers.

Video games and marijuana have been inextricably linked since the Pong and Space Invaders days, but now it’s more prevalent, perhaps coinciding with the rise of support for decriminalization and/or legalization efforts. You can see film characters smoking together while they play video games, such as in Ted, and you can see video game characters smoking or you can play a character that smokes in games like Grand Theft Auto V. Granted, the representation of marijuana in GTA V wasn’t exactly that great, as it was just a bizarre and disorienting sequence that made in-game vision pretty difficult, but that’s due to the ESRB being ungodly strict.

The fan art that fills the void, however, is great.

The fan art that fills the void, however, is great.

That visual effect that GTA V presents you with is particularly striking, because marijuana actually increases your performance at video games by 43%, improving your memory in the process (really smashes that dopey stoner trope, doesn’t it?). Now, the evidence isn’t exactly conclusive yet because it’s almost impossible to get research done on marijuana in the states with the way that it’s scheduled, even in states where it’s legalized for medical use. You still risk a raid by the DEA and a federal felony arrest coming your way if you choose to do so. However, it’s promising, and pretty cool that video games and marijuana are being used to help study and treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Sometimes, however, the dopey stoner trope exists because it’s really nice to be able to just sit down on your couch or bed and get absorbed into whatever it is you’re doing. Everybody knows that people smoking have a tendency to be more creative and, even if their ideas suck, they get more into them. It’s a logical conclusion that marijuana would enhance the illusion that video games offer and, to go even further, the fact that you’re sedentary for both activities really makes it a match made in heaven as well.

Even if you are kind of a dopey stoner, you still manage to get good at doing this.

Even if you are kind of a dopey stoner, you still manage to get good at doing this.

Modern video games even go so far as to have marijuana references within them. Even if they’re kind of negative, stoners playing the games still appreciate them, just because, well, they giggle at pretty much anything, let’s be real. GTA has always been a series that’s shown frequent marijuana usage, especially within San Andreas, but that’s to be expected. Then there’s Mass Effect, a game that you wouldn’t think would have references to weed, showing this as a little Easter Egg (get it? Easter is 4/20 this year?) for all of their reefer-mad fans.

While I’m writing, my boyfriend is usually playing one of the Call of Duty games. I’ve noticed that a lot of the clan tags have to do with marijuana on there, and if that isn’t a conclusive piece of evidence that video games and weed don’t go together better than peanut butter and jelly, I don’t know what else to tell you. It’s not just him that utilizes one of the many pot leaf emblems or [420] tags - usually, about half of the people in an online match have one of the options as well. And frankly, with names such as “Blunt Trauma” available, who among you that smokes would pass that up?

Hey wait a second...

Hey wait a second...

Personally, not only am I finding physical relief from the disabilities I have by using marijuana, but I’m recreationally engaging as well. Wanting to write more, getting ideas for crafts, and most importantly, getting sucked into a game, are things that I love doing in my free time (which I don’t have much of, so it’s something I make the best of). It’s something I actively look forward to at the end of the day, and there’s almost nothing I love more than getting immersed into a game in a way that only the combo of cannabis and the game itself can do. I know I’m not alone (and definitely not in Portland) as every single person I know here enjoys doing the same thing. It’s something that can bring together a community, and it’s just plain fun.

Comments (9)
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Posts: 3290

I like trains

Posts: 1317

Black Ops came out after MW2, so...

Posts: 228

I liked all the CoDs before MW2 (I liked World at War and Black Ops, especially Black Ops), it's that they went to shit with Modern Warfare 2 and neverl looked back.

Posts: 297

Everyone knows Call of Duty is awesome and everyone plays it.

Posts: 1317

Don't worry, JC is a hardcore Battlefield fan(boy). It's in their genes to vigorously hate on Call of Duty.

Posts: 5

To say that all of the Call of Duties were completely bad is false. The first two had really good campaigns, and the multiplayer can be fun if you've A) gotten a lot of practice and B) mute every single other player.

Posts: 1317

Neh. No need for drugs. Or coffee.

Posts: 123

D'aw, that splash image is adorable.

Posts: 228

Now you just disproved your point that weed is good for gaming, as it makes people think that Call of Duty is "not bad" or, in some far gone subjects, "good".

Also, I find those tags and names really annoying. Not much of a problem when playing in Asia, but still. Also, every time you make a joke about internet gaming culture, the nickname you come up must be to the tune of [420killers]ronpaul|N0Sc0pe.